Year = way = Experiment within the lab trial = Life = Not always, always what you make it
An ambitious idea, knowing my tendencies to err on the side of postpone
But who is Ms. Right if not Ms. Right Now?
Now, is all we've got with a pocket full of pay me mind in a painted picture of tomorrows,
I'm cashing in --
I'll call upon the energies of Sophie Calle and the Name inside working to gain light, by the weight of
One Year
365 Entries
No excuses, espeically those of the "this is silly, dumb, pointless" variety (they say Know Thy Self, I wish I didn't know that part well)
Élan vital, ensures me this can be more than some aired-out bore of a jour-n-al
Mademoiselle, listen to the brook
Had been doing fairly well, archives, take us back over '08's spell
What shall be found through recording of what otherwise passes in an instance?
Are we still walking this razor's edge? Man of your time,
Check the trending topics for what matters to the masses
Real time
Maybe we will find an overlap along this experiment's map
I doubt it.
And even if I have to post-date; I'll pretend like the past can still be had.
We all need our outlets
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