Everything's on the line for you
Oh all the flubs and magic too
You made the choice 
You walked the wire 
Committed to the power of fire
High above the rest
Warrior making the most of the mess
Simply born different
Oh you were trained up all right
Spent your shakti on the wise needle hidden in the hay of night
Bypassed the stomping grounds
Quietly marking up the books to tip the scales
In your favor the heavens unveiled

Protect Your Magic

by trulymadlydeeply On Friday, May 23, 2014 0 comments
Great bit from The Shift Has Hit The Fan blog:

“Having a taste for things is so much more important than owning them – This is why, for those who lack nothing, it is better if money remains of secondary concern. You can see what life is like for so many business people – all that time they spend in the office and at meetings.  When they leave, it is so they can race around from one end of the globe to the other without seeing anything of the regions they pass through or of the people who live there. And that is how their sensitivity to what is beautiful and poetic in life eventually becomes dulled. So, what was the point of amassing a fortune? They cannot even enjoy the advantages it gives them, as they have destroyed that something in them that gives the most exquisite flavour to things, events and people. And that is what is sad: to have the possibility of acquiring anything you want but to feel no joy from it, except the vanity of owning it.  So if you have to choose between these two situations – owning a lot but no longer being able to appreciate it, or owning very little and keeping your taste for it – choose the latter, and the smallest thing will give you joy.”

- Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


by trulymadlydeeply On Sunday, April 06, 2014 0 comments

Ohhh I'm so excited to tell you about this gem of a troubadour!! His name is Robert Leslie. I found him on the subway platform at the 2nd avenue station of the uptown F. Which is a terribly smart place to be on a Tuesday night as a blossoming musician. I had just gone to see another great act, Zane Carney (actually, two great acts because his brother was playing with him that night and hot damn they were good) and myself and a flood of other show-goers were treated to Mr. Leslie's stylings while waiting for the train. What good luck. I even skipped getting on the first one so I could hear some more of his tunes.

Such a cutie! Though he can't be older than 25, he's got a from-another-age-like quality, just a hint of something special that's not too modern and not affected either; the way he speaks in stanzas and impossible imagination, with the confidence of a young person too dependent on intuition and too wary to accept authority. He's a writer, a poet. A singer and musician almost only as if by necessity, to make his musings come alive in another way off the page. Ok, so maybe I'm projecting and whipping up stories a little bit. But if you're a sensitive and interested person, ya can't help absorbing more than what is told and shown when consuming another's intimate arts. And album explanations. The back-story along with his latest album, Sense of Distance, stirs the vagabond in me to wake in a palpable dream. I fell in love more. When I met him, he was wearing the obligatory hat with a big old poppy-like plastic flower and a knit scarf. He told me he's from England but also American. Ah, tis a certain blessing to hold multiple passports.

Anyway -- I just got to listening to his CD and am I excited for what I hope will be his inevitable success. Good stuff like this, souls that strike your inner chord clearly, you just want 'em to succeed.

Great to listen to on a run, by the way. Especially if, like me, you haven't gone for a run in AGES and are panting and ready to collapse after one minute and find yourself walking every other block; nice and soothing in such states of mild physical distress.

.....Piece of mind or piece of ass / gotta live and make it last / and gotta get it down somehow / pocket all the cents and dimes / And if another lecture hall / locks me in or tries to teach / more flawed ideas or battle calls / tell them that I can't be reached / tell them they've already leeched my happiness, my wherewithal / they must be sick of all my sighing / oh come on now everybody stop / I'm leaving soon I've had enough / I've jumped the cliff, I've made the drop / don't think twice now call the bluff / yes it's painful, yes it's rough / but I'll be gone before ida flop / so long guys I'll be alright

APRIL 3, 2014

by trulymadlydeeply On Thursday, April 03, 2014 0 comments
Do you hear the earth telling us, talking to us, showing us, talking back? Earthquakes. Land slides. 

Reality is multi dimensional. There are other states of living, breathing, being. 
Why are we stuck in the grind that grinds down all life?

How to lift it up? Lighten your load. 

There are other dimensions of time. 

Here—wanna blow your mind? Simple. 
It takes an ant 5 minutes to cross the same distance that you cover in 5 steps. 
To the ant, you stand in the future. Your sense of time is greater, you can do more, and faster. 

What makes us believe that there aren’t beings whose one step covers 500 years? It’s a bit too much to believe, to accept, so the ‘adults’ will label it myth. Fun story but no fact. 

Then they’ll turn their OWN stories into fact. Aghhh how annoying is that? #egotrip

You wanna know what blew my mind today? Nearly every single person in Union Square this afternoon either had a device iphone something or other in their hands or was plugged in through their ears. Holy shit. This is that future. We’ve all got a badge here in the developed world. 

But the tool is innocent. What is the user? A tool himself? Used by the mouthpieces of distortion? Or emboldened by the power of realization, austerity, and curiosity? 

My prayer is for the awakening to quake and break through all the souls covered, trapped, ignorant to their own ignorance. 

Pray it with me now: 

Rise up, fellow men and women!

Awaken, sleeping souls

Break the lies and find the love

Don’t lose your mind’s control.

Time is tiny

Or vast and ever-grand
take long strides and deep breaths

Extend your draining sands
Connect to eyes

Connect to subtle replies

Turn off the lies

The lies that close us all off from the pulse of what is wise

And ritualize your life to channel the divine

Morally Talented

by trulymadlydeeply On Thursday, March 20, 2014 0 comments
One of my favorite little-known blogs for getting highly salacious knowledge/information and the in on issues mass media, your silly friends, and the general populace doesn't even know about or, if they do, wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole for fear of being ostracized or 'unrelatable'. Frankly, I find that the status quo is, at its core, usually far more more disenfranchising and alienating than the truth. It's just too bad the majority are on the wrong boat with little idea of what else is out there, with lesser taste for the truth and not much interest (or support or patience) in applying that truth. Though Matt Taibbi is off to start his own independent publication so maybe there is still hope.

But I digress...

The Shift Has Hit The Fan connects the dots in crucial ways for eye-opening revelations. She checks the barometer for integrity-based evolution, a theme underpinning all her pieces, across various happenings around the world. They usually come up short but there's always something there (in her blogs) to remind us of the other side, the higher road.

The latest piece, 'In Praise of Common Decency' (which I HIGHLY recommend you read and click through the links she shares. Like, HIGHLY.) starts with this gem of a quote I felt compelled to share, the sentiments of which run right up along a little piece I composed, 'Swapping Centers'. A service mood is really the mood of the future (eternity). And not some fake service, funnel your biz expenses through your 501(c)(3) shiz neither.....

“It is natural to appreciate men and women for the gifts they possess. Whether they are writers, artists, scientists or even athletes, one cannot but marvel at their talents and sometimes even their genius. But is this any reason to neglect their moral qualities? Are they good, fair, honest, and generous? Often this consideration is secondary, and it is only talent that people notice. It is talent that everyone tries to cultivate, since; it is for this that people are so highly esteemed. This is why the earth is now populated with capable, talented people. It is incredible, there are swarms of them, but why are all these abilities, all these talents, all these geniuses unable to save the world? On the contrary, it could even be said that they are contributing to its destruction! We often hear people say: ‘Ah! He is so gifted; he has so many abilities that he can be forgiven everything!’ Well, this is very bad reasoning. Someone who is particularly favoured by nature must, on the contrary, make great efforts to uphold, to crown his gifts and talents with moral qualities. Otherwise, instead of becoming what he should be, a benefactor of humanity, he behaves like a thief! Many people tend to believe that the fame and fortune they have achieved are a justification for their way of doing things. Since up until now they have been successful, it must mean that they were in the right, and they can continue to impose their own views and their own decisions on everyone else. What an illusion! Material success is no proof of their good judgement. On the contrary, wisdom should make them more prudent – and also those who admire them, those who stand by and exclaim: ‘It is extraordinary! What activity; what energy!’ They say that such people are afraid of nothing. But to be afraid of nothing does not demonstrate the virtue we call faith, but rather that which we know as presumption. And not only do the presumptuous eventually take a fall, but – as history has shown us time and again – they drag others down with them!”
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

MBBC! Delving into J.C.

by trulymadlydeeply On Monday, March 10, 2014 0 comments
Mah Bootlegged Book Club is finally getting tits-deep into the mythos master, Joseph Campbell.

Reading from "The Hero With A Thousand Faces"


"It has always been the prime function of mythology and rite to supply the symbols that carry the human spirit forward, in counteraction to those constant human fantasies that tend to tie it back. In fact, it may well be that the very high incidence of neuroticism among ourselves follows from the decline among us of such effective spiritual aid. We remain fixed to the unexercised images of our infancy, and hence disinclined to the necessary passages of our adulthood. In the United States there is even a pathos of inverted emphasis: the goal is not to grow old, but to remain young; not to mature away from Mother, but to cleave to her. And so, while husbands are worshipping at their boyhood shrines, being the lawyers, merchants, or masterminds their parents wanted them to be, their wives, even after fourteen years of marriage and two fine children produced and raised, are still on the search for love -- which can come to them only from the centaurs, sileni, satyrs, and other concupiscent incubi of the rout of Pan, either as in the second of the above-recited dreams, or as in our popular, vanilla-frosted temples of the venereal goddess, under the make-up of the latest heroes of the screen."

And it gets better... Join us won't you?

Funny how things show up right when you need them most

by trulymadlydeeply On Monday, March 03, 2014 0 comments
I Have News for You
by Tony Hoagland

There are people who do not see a broken playground swing
as a symbol of ruined childhood

and there are people who don't interpret the behavior
of a fly in a motel room as a mocking representation of their thought process.

There are people who don't walk past an empty swimming pool
and think about past pleasures unrecoverable

and then stand there blocking the sidewalk for other pedestrians.
I have read about a town somewhere in California where human beings

do not send their sinuous feeder roots
deep into the potting soil of others' emotional lives

as if they were greedy six-year-olds
sucking the last half-inch of milkshake up through a noisy straw;

and other persons in the Midwest who can kiss without
debating the imperialist baggage of heterosexuality.

Do you see that creamy, lemon-yellow moon?
There are some people, unlike me and you,

who do not yearn after fame or love or quantities of money as
unattainable as that moon;
thus, they do not later
have to waste more time
defaming the object of their former ardor.

Or consequently run and crucify themselves
in some solitary midnight Starbucks Golgotha.

I have news for you—
there are people who get up in the morning and cross a room

and open a window to let the sweet breeze in
and let it touch them all over their faces and bodies.

The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory

by trulymadlydeeply On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 0 comments
Disclaimer: not for the faint of heart or easily offended. This is sci-fi meets reptilian government meets illuminati thriller all rolled into one. And it's bedtime as I write this. 

So here's what. A radio news program on in the car tonight spurred a conversation (well, I was calmly speaking and the passenger to my right was having a coronary) on gay marriage. They were all like it's unnatural for people of the same sex to get married because they can't reproduce and I was all like, is that why people even get married?! That makes no sense, they should have the same legal rights since that's all that "marriage" really is anyway because love don't need a paper. Anywho. 

Here's the conspiracy: there's a species, let's say an alien, reptilian species known as the Masonic, Atlantean elite which has been plotting to reduce the birthrate by entrapping people into vain pursuits which only end in self-satisfaction and conspicuous consumption. No one wants to have kids anymore because then how will they be fabulous and go out to dinner and shop and work and fuck like crazy and play and jet off to Turks and Caicos on a whim if they have to tuck the tots in? Too much hassle. 

They got you in their web of carnal delights. Muahahahaha. No more babies. Ok. Big deal. 

But wait -- there's more. 

'They' full-well know that there are souls in holding, waiting for a physical container to keep playing out their karma, their samsara. These souls NEED to go somewhere. They're clogging the soul sphere, in limbo. The universal balance is in peril!!! But we ain't makin babies on Earth. Where ever shall those souls take birth???

Dun dun dun... There's an alternate universe. Another life-sustaining planet which they are cultivating for that New New World. Order. 

Clever right?! I tell ya, where my mind goes when I'm washing dishes.........

*copyright Alexandra Moga 2014 don't be stealin my movie idea y'all* (lolz I know you can't copyright ideazzzz shush)


I Love Yogis

by trulymadlydeeply On Friday, February 07, 2014 0 comments
So, as if I needed one more project to occupy my time and mind and energy...

I've decided to run with and develop an idea which implanted itself at the end of last year (oh man, 2013 is last year, isn't it?).

The idea came out of the ether, where, of course, all ideas float and stalk, awaiting a perfectly idle yet engaged mind upon which to descend. I connected with this idea mostly because I love to interview people (read: get into their heads and feel out what makes em tick) and then share those findings, usually in totally disparate ways and places, like as an anecdote in a yoga class, or a totally vague and obtuse metaphor in a poem. Usually, I'm just having a conversation (secretly interviewing) and that conversation informs me about much more than that person; myself, society, life, that vibe/lexicon/tendency that no one consciously gets yet but is still happening right now. Natural born sociologist.
Any whooooo. I make you, dear reader, wait so long to find out what the F*Ck I'm ever actually talking about in these posts of mine. HAHA. HAHAHAHA.

It's this:

*shoutout to my sista-sista who used those photoshop skillz to help make this logo*

I'm on a quest to extract and expose the makings of a 'yoga teacher'. Whatever that 'is'. Whoever they are.

Inspired by the Proust Questionnaire. Tailored to the yogis out there, to inspire an understanding of yoga, in all its colors, shapes, and makings. Because, as you may or may not know, it's more than moving around on a plastic mat. And, I'd venture to say, yoga is our natural state, regardless of profession, occupation or beliefs.

Musicians losing themselves in their instruments, the sound. Yoga.
Improv performers responding so intensely that they can't even hear if the audience is laughing. Yoga.
Writers pouring out words to paint a story to move you and you and you and silently cheering and laughing and fist pumping to themselves because they're in the flow. Yoga.
Investment bankers manipulating stocks, wholeheartedly consumed. Iw. That's a kind of yoga, tainted, of course. 

You get me.

I Love Yogis. World-wide. The panoply of styles and schools of thought.

Dig it here (tumblr). And here (facebook). 

Maybe one day it will be a purty little book. With portraits of some of those teachers. Because I also love faces. And zooming in on them and painting them. But that's a whole other level of commitment/art. So for now, it's another blog in the sphere.

Hope you find something in there to connect to, to converse with, to inform your life.


Steve Powers

by trulymadlydeeply On Thursday, February 06, 2014 0 comments

The most glorious place on Earth

by trulymadlydeeply On Sunday, January 05, 2014 1 comments

This video fills me with such insane amounts of longing, admiration, love and gratitude, you'd think I was falling in love for the first time ever.

A friend and I were recently talking about falling in love and she shared an analogy with me that I found to be quite powerful and sticky. Here it is:

Our ability to fall in love with another totally and give of ourselves and our hearts in a deep relationship is like a band aid. The first time you put it on, it's really sticky and stays on well. If it gets ripped off, the second time it doesn't stick as well, the third time even less, and so on and so on. My friend shared how she wished she'd been more selective about who she gave her love and heart to in the past because she realized that being torn up had an effect on the love when she was ready to give it to the one she decided to spend the rest of her life with. It just wasn't as vital as the first time. Can anyone else relate to that?

That was a bit of a digression to make this point:

Although my love's been ripped off in the past, and my love band-aid might not stick with the fervor it had the first and second times, this video and the love it elicits in my heart transcends all notions of limit-bearing mortal love and drives into a core part of me so deep that I can but marvel at the utter windfall of grace I was lucky enough to receive to take me there. That I was even able to perform an iota of devotional service is nothing short of miraculous, a mystical gift. My experience of living in Mayapur (the place depicted in this film) for 4 months is emblematic of waking in another realm of reality, another dimension of the material universal manifestation. There is no place on this earth quite as magical, as real, as important to discovering the essence of one's humanity as Mayapur.

On one level, my wish is for everyone to receive the kind of mercy and grace it takes to arrive to such a place. On another level, I know that not everyone is ready or consciously seeking this kind of love and life experience. You can't just buy a ticket to a place like Mayapur. You have to be led there, invited by the pure sincerity in your heart manifest outward. If you ain't got it, you ain't goin'. And for that, a part of me is glad. Because when you love and appreciate something or someone so much, the last thing you want is for them to get ripped off.

As the rising moon dispels darkness, spreading its soothing rays in all directions, so too did the Golden Avatar Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appear in this world to bestow infinite light, hope, and love. Day by day, the worldwide bhakti revolution He ignited accelerates, as the background noise of doubt and fear is drowned by the vibration of sacred mantra. Entrance Into Eternity is a multi-part film series tracing this sankirtan movement back to its divine source, the epicenter of devotional ecstasy, the kirtan capital of the universe, Sridham Mayapur.

In Mayapur, the sweet melody of kirtan is never far, and hearts are awakened to the sacred flow of mercy. Men and women, boys and girls, from all corners of the world, pierce through divides of caste and color to harmonize their voices and deeds in service to the Supreme.

Some say Sri Caitanya was crazy. Some say he's gone. Others who know better still dance in His earthshaking kirtan, bathing in His limitless love and grace.

Dedicated to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Music: Anthem by Emancipator


like you know what you're doing

by trulymadlydeeply On Thursday, January 02, 2014 0 comments
writing is based first and foremost on an idea. and ideas are nothing without the seeds of emotion. emotion like pollen transplanted from person to person by the dancing feet of a bee of happenstance. a miraculous element one part independent and utterly necessary. of impulse forcing outer circumstance and inner conditionings to collide on some platform of decrepit or evolved. emotion, that is. tempered perhaps by studied logic, or scriptural injunction. no, not blind and sentimental religion. but intelligent and divine law. i can hear the thinking man scoff. or the emotional woman nod in rapt agreement. both are, for lack of a better word, wrong. man is a thing of reason. of potential to calculate and rise above by sheer will. but alas, not for long. for along came woman. woman is a thing of feeling. of intuitive curves interrupted by skeptical seeking. or of darkness expressed beside the point, expressed to bring to light what we all sense is there, but who's got balls big enough to say it? so what if the timing is wrong. there are emotional men and rational women. and there are times when we'll all fall into line with a camp, regardless of gender. be it to keep the peace, to strategize, to declare, silently, a kind of psychological warfare. to win. to let others think they win. to learn. to teach. where man and woman collide, be that softly, ferociously, unexpectedly, psychically; there emotion and idea come together. there we have writing in motion. drama alive.

writing is nothing without an idea. and any shmo can have an idea. so writing is certainly more than an idea. it's the ability to toe the fine line of pretending you know what you're doing as you walk down the highway into the unknown. with only a name on a piece of paper. or a page out of the phone book. or a terrifyingly inspiring dream. be it generated by the day or night. assuming, of course, that said highway is on a strech of desertland and the payphone you took shelter in at the truck stop housed a phone book. there are still places in america that use phone books. there must be.

the details. the unexpected. the juxtaposition. the allowing for someone else to show it for you. the use of a middle man in the pursuit of direct experience. the subtle worship of contradiction in order to maintain wholeness. the inconceivable oneness and difference. the painting of pictures within pictures as you paint a picture of a picture you're painting. the pretending you know what you're doing off of feeling while groping blindly just like everyone else. the confidence of well-placed lies. the weakness of self-sustaining truth. the expert who has compromised the unknown to serve those who have compromised structure for the unknown. the complementary and the questioning. the fragmented adapting to serve some ideal of whole. holiness.

the breakdown. the build up. the background track. the improv.

the next generation of repetition. in new! colors.

generated by a vision seen in sound, in listening. writing is listening to the same thing, and hearing something new. maybe even like you know what it means.

Un.Cer.+ain 17-12/8-3 ---- Uni.re.versal

by trulymadlydeeply On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 0 comments
When the pebbles dig into
that fragile state
You know,
The one which seemed so
Solid last week

and today, you want to run the other way
No one can ever really tell you
that thing you have to find out
on your own;

You gotta stay.

When you grow weary of
what always was so sure
Anymore and evermore or just some more
What you want
What you think you need
What is there
What is still a dream
and swirling
like the virgin snow dancing on a blacktop road;

Nothing sticking

You gotta play.

When you're so carefree
easy as you'd imagined
like a Disney movie
coming true

You gotta say;

Thank you

There's more to do
And nothing to claim

You gotta pray.

When you took too much
Never gave back
Turned your back
Funds in hand
Had the chance
So, with it, ran


You gotta pay.

Dues sent in,
Pieces missing accepted
A sock turned up
In with your destiny's laundry
Wrapped in their towel
Across town
Static cling
When on the street corner
You two met

You gotta lay.


by trulymadlydeeply On Monday, December 09, 2013 0 comments
Girl is GOOD.

You heard her yet?

Well, hear her...

I first caught her from the mouth of one in Bali. I had to double-check the name. "Allez-la?" "Yea, Alela Diane". Funny because it's a French word (that's not actually a word but two words melded together) that my friend (whose name just so happens to be Diana...waaaaow) made up which we always use as a kind of "yeah I'm hyped" "come on!" "for reals!?" expression. Anywho. Alleeeeezla

This girl is good. These lyrics just hit me for the first listen and I gotta share them. Poetry. Set to a good twangin'. Loves. Cause she's a-singin', oooooh she's singin' meeee.

The whole album is solid....

'Black Sheep'

Sometimes I'm riding high in the rusted sky
Sometimes I sit right here miles off from anywhere
Some days I'm a black sheep, baby
Suddenly I'm elegant as evening
Most of the time, I'm on the line

I remember waiting by the phone pining away the nights alone
A tarnished coin into the slot, my number lost in your coat pocket
Some days I'm a black sheep, baby
Suddenly I'm elegant as evening
Most of the time, I'm on the line

Ooh a black sheep, black sheep dark as thunder
Ooh evening, evening is harder still
And I am on the line and the line is rusted blue
I am on the line and the line is rusted blue
Rusted blue, rusted blue, rusted blue

Choosing a crazy hand

by trulymadlydeeply On Saturday, December 07, 2013 0 comments

I just finished watching Shane Salerno's documentary, Salinger. It has left me at once troubled, motivated and hopeful; hopeful that with the right blend of intention, immersion into his work, consistent, heart-sourced writing and those mystic siddhis that years of yoga practice have offered me, I might be able to communicate with him telepathically over time and space; much like he claims to have communicated with his first, ex-Nazi wife. That detail, the Nazi one, may not be so important – except that it highlights the marked, man-making trait of flat-out unwavering allegiance to not giving a F what people, what a misshapen and misguided society might believe to be right or wrong; an allegiance, moreover, to a transcendent code that, given some of his actions to the contrary, could only be truly understood and appreciated by a minority.

Indeed, his seeming contradictions are enough to set page-loads of questions after him, though departed he may be from this mortal coil. That's the part that troubled me: that the media, fans, writers, reporters, all felt the need to question him, to hound him with questions, nay – with insignificant questions. When faced with such a mind, a spirit, a being; if you're going to take the effort to go after him, wouldn't there at least be a "How's your heart?", "How's your life going?" rapport? Perhaps there had been, but as the documentary painted it, his enigma drew out the crazed and demanding vs. kindred seeking-souls. Though the truth is, the world we face (or would it be the world which faces us?) really is our mirror.

His contradictions were just indicators, signs pointing to some deeper truth, a bigger question begging to be asked, one I don't believe he pretended to have the answer to, but was at least astute and interested enough to uncover and present to the world for the unpacking. That is, "Don't you see what a waste this all is?" And then, “So, what’s golden?” What frustrated me some is that, instead of asking him about the root cause for and therefore, solution to, The Catcher in the Rye (which in truth, could only be Salinger’s own inner state), his hounds wanted to know what to do about their own lives, their own writing careers, how to manage their own frail and suspicious conceptions of self. This newly revealed conception of self and society, by the grace of Salinger’s cutting observation and commentary, caused many to lose their grip on life as they thought they’d known it, leaving newly disillusioned (some might even say awakened) souls foundering amidst and fighting against the foggy motives of a superficial, lie-filled world, just like Holden Caufield. But I do understand that to stand face-to-face with a writer, an artist, a being of incalculable depth and intelligence, one who has so suddenly invested you (and so many of your generation) with the utmost meaning, is debilitating on a critical, frontal-lobe-level.

This artistic process of projecting one’s psychology onto a character (or a work), sending it into the world to come head-to-head with similar experiences and perceptions contained in receivers, who in a moment of utter mercy and open-armed acceptance, look into that long-sought for mirror, reveals the essence of the primum, the primal, the original exchange. Therein, his occupation with Vedantic teachings doesn't surprise me in the least. Indeed, it reassures me that his talent wasn't a clever fluke, but instead a studied and soulful stream stemming from the artery of eternal knowledge, of timeless truth, of ecstatic bliss. And like many connected voices who, almost besides themselves, cannot but tap into the thoughtsphere to hungrily (even manically) draw out the marrow for the times, he had this higher understanding before he even knew what it was. Via his commitment to his craft, his dharma, he was led back to the spring, the fountainhead.

Which brings me to Roark. Howard Roark, Ayn Rand’s protagonist who refused to sell out. I couldn't help but marvel at and find joy in their parallels: the indefatigable commitment to the creative act as the path, the goal and the reward; the rigorous dedication, self-control, and determination to remain 100% integral, or at least the attempt to. Perhaps the figure falls somewhere at 98.6%. But could you ever measure integrity? Even those bold enough to strive for perfection, for total integrity in purpose and execution must realize the sheer madness, vanity and self-indulgence it requires, thereby nullifying any possible arrival at such an unwieldy apex. Yet most men (and women) of significance are fiercely uncompromising. And the best of them, a rare breed if there ever was, never have their own interests at the center of their integrity, have instead built a wall of growing greens around higher principles meant to serve a core of love, beneficial to all who come in contact with them, keepers of the most precious commodity. The warrior surely can be understood to be he who, despite his raging gift, chooses to remain unexploited, protected from the selfishly motivated (no doubt existing within himself as well) by a buffer of nature as they buy-in to what may appear to the uninitiated as strange ways.

Which is where Salinger’s contradiction came in. After sharing the most intimate parts of himself through his story telling, he turned around and held fast to his privacy; to his right to unequivocally own his life and mind and time. He insisted on being published in the most celebrated and widely respected journals. And when he got his praise, dancing with a world ready to throw their arms around him and toss him to the heights, he glimpsed a bigger picture, and backed out; recommitted himself to a deeper dedication, one detached from the rabid recognition that comes with great talent. Nevertheless, he allowed a select few to penetrate those walls. He exchanged countless letters with young women (girls, really). They kept him soft-hearted. I would imagine, connected to some sense of innocence and purity that only a war-torn soldier (aren't we all?) could seek with such fantasy-tinged desperation and consistent need as he.

Which leads me to his overriding need for absolute control. He was in love with a striking and intelligent girl. At the same time, he was let off the hook from military service, considered unfit. If that’s not some sense of fate, then I don’t know what is. I'm sure he saw the acceptance of this rejection as utterly fatalistic. Perhaps the real fate was, in all actuality, his self-created destiny, his obstinate, hard-working character (he was a Capricorn, after all). He insisted on going to war. He eventually got his wish, and lost his lover. What could compel such a hard-nosed insistence on calling the shots, on demanding another, what some may consider lesser, hand of cards? Was it inspiration he was seeking; knowing that through war and the head-on confrontation of death one is assuredly on the path to emerge on the other side? It’s a truly beautiful, if not awe-inspiring understanding of duality: to know that if you go so far in one direction, you will come out on the other end, moreover, having culled some hefty fodder (certainly the most precious of resources for artists) along the way.

A divine play, is it not?  And oh, to live on that level of consciousness!

The thrilling thing about biographies for me, for most of us I'd imagine, is the opportunity to view a life in its entirety, to glean the bigger picture without being mired in a myopic scene or temporary drama as we may often find ourselves in our own daily lives. There's a free-handed ease in approaching the drawing out of another's life from start to finish. And with that comes a sense that I too, that we all, can take our lives into consideration on this scale and play out the stages with full-faith and commitment to a cause – should we be so lucky to grasp one as all-important, as transformative as JD Salinger had.

Rebalance, Refoucs, Renew

by trulymadlydeeply On Sunday, December 01, 2013 0 comments
I'm pleased to announce a very special yoga retreat this January. We'll be heading to an oasis of calm and nature on Shelter Island, just 2-hours outside of New York City.

I've developed this three-day retreat with the intention of Rebalancing your body, Refocusing your mind, and Renewing your spirit.

We'll be practicing detox flow yoga classes to stir up stuck energy and activate the body's innate healing and detoxification system, yin yoga classes to stimulate deep relaxation and release, and a special SynchroFlow class I've developed which blends postures, charged breath-work, archetype and mantra meditations to get to the core of your personal, unique inner truth and to synchronize it with the innate pulse of cosmic energy -- your bestest friend, wisest guide and biggest helper.

Light, clean vegetarian food, herbal teas and juices will round out the cleansing, restorative and inspiring weekend.

I'll also be meeting with participants one-on-one, for SynchroGuidance sessions.

I'm SO excited to bring this work I've been putting together over this past year out to play!! I hope you can join me and take the time to take care of yourself, to pay attention to the divine spark of life within, and examine the ways you can bring it out to shine in your life.


by trulymadlydeeply On Friday, November 22, 2013 0 comments
One of my favorite friends in writing: across time and space his words have padded my inner safe place at moments in this decade of soon-to-be-done 20 where all that was certain was the uncertainty. Yes, I usually tried to love it and through that somehow it became so: loved and somewhat bearable and known and alright.

In that snare of paradox I found my own rhythm of loving, trusting and letting go; of knowing what to pick up and when. It's a dance with the world that delivers and the self that desires. An ongoing lesson in bridging the work expressed without and the sacrifice unseen within, the quiet messages received and the waiting for your will to come through and commit. All a certain kind of effort in parsing the light from the sin, the tiny crimes against the heart we all sometimes commit.

That writer is Rainer Marie Rilke. His name even soothes me somehow. Like a tender-sighted sage, a good grandpa or woolen-clad neighbor, bearded, who knows that all will be well, and can dispense of compassion and bolstering wisdom. Maybe standing on the porch within earshot of your sighs, offering a helping ear from his rocking chair in the early darkness of a crisp, cool night.

The bits and pieces of his sweetness strewn across the halls of the web can maybe sum the feel of what he stands for as a being. Might not match quite what I feel, but that wouldn't need be the clue for you to know that his contribution paved a humble road made of some kind of real noble truth.

And here, in this simple stanza, is captured something in the way of why... Why I dedicate my time and my life to spiritual practice. The farther I go down my road the more I sense the very precarious edge, the sword that sets me apart from the ways of the big bad world and sets me into the bush of a journey towards the soul. The soul of man, of God if I dare can, of my own intimately brewed blend of breath in the skin.

To unfold all the creases and lies pressed into me, by me, with or without my consent over time, over eons perhaps: this is the nature of the cutting through, of the making, of the walking the path; the nature of blazing fires I set time and time again, like a ranger who knows that to clear a new season, some damage must be done to what's simply overgrown. May it bring us closer...

I want to unfold,

I don't want to stay folded anywhere

Because where I am folded,

There I am a lie...

- Rainer Marie Rilke

More of him here

The moon, my friend

by trulymadlydeeply On Monday, November 11, 2013 0 comments
A humble place based in simple comforts
A world of magic at my doorstep, lush
And true
I step into the shower
To cool my toes
No curtains or tiles
Just stones and water
And the moon
Bright and lighting my riffs, even half-way
The sky, the ceiling in this pitch perfect place ((made of love vibration))
Casts my glance in its evening play
And I smile upwards
As is only natural to do
When someone wonderful smiles at you

When 'art' is truly Art

by trulymadlydeeply On Tuesday, October 22, 2013 0 comments
Quoted from the brilliant mind and right sight of Andrey Tarkovsky...

"Modern art has taken a wrong turn in abandoning the search for the meaning of existence in order to affirm the value of the individual for its own sake. What purports to be art begins to look like an eccentric occupation for suspect characters who maintain that any personalized action is of intrinsic value simply as a display of self-will. But in artistic creation the personality does not assert itself, it serves another, higher and communal idea. The artist is always a servant, and is perpetually trying to pay for the gift that had been given to him as if by a miracle. Modern man, however, does not want to make any sacrifice, even though true affirmation of self can only be expressed in sacrifice. We are gradually forgetting about this, and at the same time, inevitabley, losing all sense of our human calling...

The absolute is only attainable through faith and the creative act

In science, at the moment of discovery, logic is replaced by intuition. In art, as in religion, intuition is tantamount to conviction, to faith. It is a state of mind, not a way of thinking.

The artist reveals his world to us, and forces us either to believe in it or to reject it as something irrelevant and unconvincing. In creating an image he subordinates his own thought, which becomes insignificant in the face of that emotionally perceived image of the world that had appeared to him like a revelation. For thought is brief, whereas the image is absolute. Art acts above all on the soul, shaping its spiritual structure. 

The artist has a duty to be calm. He has no right to show his emotion, his involvement, to go pouring it all out at the audience. Any excitement over a subject must be sublimated into an Olympian calm of form. That is the only way in which an artist can tell of the things that excite him. 

The beautiful is hidden from the eyes of those who are not searching for the truth, for whom it is contra-indicated. 

Modern mass culture, aimed at the 'consumer', the civilization of prosthetics, is crippling people's souls, setting up barriers between man and the crucial questions of his existence, his consciousness of himself as a spiritual being. 
The allotted function of art is not, as is often assumed, to put across ideas, to propagate thoughts, to serve as example. The aim of art is to prepare a person for death, to plough and harrow his soul, rendering it capable of turning to good."

Matt Corby

by trulymadlydeeply On Thursday, October 17, 2013 0 comments
Got the chance to catch this super soulful Aussie singer songwriter in Brisbane on Tuesday and was pretty blown away.
He's still working on getting cozy on stage and seemingly, within a style he can call his own, but there's no doubt he has the chops to soar on.
Here, hear 'Letters'

...and 'Souls A'fire'

with 'Lay You Down' rounding out the trifecta


by trulymadlydeeply On Wednesday, October 09, 2013 0 comments
The Fadeaway punchline edited by a stroke of luck
Get to writing the voice inside me crept
I've got words for you yet
Don't hold in the sick, sad world of Kodak colors
Don't shy away from the fury and madness and the druthers
It's beautiful you know?
You learned the worst first for a reason
Seemed like once a season 
You wept against the wall waiting for a ride 
From the man who left you slumped there as he collected his rage, stuffed it back inside, smoothed the page
Crawled into the backseat like an ocean of leather
Squeezed yourself into the corner as far away as you could from the driver 
Left without giving goodbye affection
Thinking it to be your revenge
Late to school again
Thank God at least you made it 
Could they see your blurry eyes, could they sense your weakness
A slight tremor down your spine 
With the next deep breath in
Lungs shaking up some space for life again
So now you've made it to your page
Many moons down the line of that frightful stage
Thank his tumbled child inside
That fought against the one you were
Both raucous against some kind of stronghold
Both working out some terrible karma from a past untold
Biology awarded him the bigger hand back then
But all things wither and here you stand
A stronger, smarter kind of woman
Ready to take on the world inside your head
Screen the play in the tempo of memory edited
Screen the memories past the veil you've lifted
Now you wondered
Could they sense your pride
In a flash it's subdued
Can't forget it's what almost kept you from dieing
Thank God at least you did, just a little bit
Karma that strong takes a ship in the night to wreck 


by trulymadlydeeply On Wednesday, September 25, 2013 0 comments
The breeze of autumn picks up and lifts the little pieces of my life I've yet to nail down. I'm revealed to myself. The shifting sights of folks move from fun in the sun to new horizons, new projects, new jackets, new crushes and classes; it ripples through the atmosphere in step. In step with the 9-5'ers at the crosswalk. In step with the commuters on the mini air jets. Going the distance to stay within a structure they struggled to get, to keep them from struggling against themselves again and again.

My life spills out of bags, all around me a chaotic mess of stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff - sometimes it's just, ahhhh it's too much! Each item pin-points a moment in time, a certain state of mind. What do I carry over and what will I leave behind? Oh if I weren't such a pack-rat attached to this and this and ooh no, can't let go of that. Thinking, always wondering, what if I want to embody that again? What would it go with that I haven't seen yet? So many pieces I never even filled. So many stories waiting to be lived. Shirts and skirts and jackets, maybe lived their tales one night here, one night there across the pond. Another, I'm dreaming for an event to put you on...

My life spills out of bags waiting to be packed again. And again. And another climate, what to bring? My life fills up closets in more than one place. Isn't that the nature of a life such as this? I'm one but my identities look to be many, flung and flung and strung around, left like mile markers to come back around. A bread-crumb of a heel. A chalk-marking of a hat and scarf. Well, the life I'm heading to won't require that. It's all about the lifestyle isn't it? So what will this outfit say to me? What will it bring me to see? Learning lately sometimes you come too far to look back.

When you're trying to figure it out on the run, pieces are more likely to get lost, aren't they? Like thoughts when you spot a memory in a smile, or a realization in a quote, a talk, a teacher, a heart beat, a moment behind closed eyes when your disk gets realigned. You make a note to make a note, too deep in the moment to break out and jot. And inevitable, you forget, but it's still in there somewhere yet. And then you come home and you find your cat is dying.

Down on my knees at her little calico body I've been sitting, crying. Oh but I know, I know, she's not that body. Oh and though I can remember I've been told not to lament for the changing of bodies, I lament that she won't jump on the kitchen counter anymore, who will be there to help us cook? Like the changing of clothes, we put one on to take it off for another, there she slowly goes. Guess I still have some practical lessons to live out. Guess I'm still clinging to worn out outfits. Theory feels good in my backpack where I can carry it safely. But out on the streets, things play out a little more dangerously.

My love of the last two decades is dying. It's my birthday soon too and I wonder if she'll go when I get renewed. And I'm crying, I'm crying, I can't help it, she's hurting, she's lying; broken and bones, barely breathing, so slowly, fluids every now and then seeping. Every hour or so check back to hold the water bowl to her nose. Tsp tsp tsp tsp. Feeble lapping, and I forget about my life spilling out of bags, strewn about the rooms of my house of a life. And I'm taken with this sight of death in progress, with the soul inside her quiet body so close to being free. I check back every hour just to see. Is her little breath still moving what's left?

I half hope it is. I half know she's so close to being free. So I do what I can with a heart full of faith and praying her next life she finds home where the changing seasons won't blow the pieces around so easily. So I do what I can and lean in close to her cold little ear, soft as the day she came home wrapped up in my sister's hands. I whisper the secret prayers, praying the sound makes its way to the spark in her heart and takes this spilling life into a container that won't break anymore.
by trulymadlydeeply On Wednesday, September 18, 2013 0 comments
When you can endure

Life clicks into place and the signs race with a fervor
Or is it my mind trying to align what's already been assigned
A reflection of god's grace seen in the eyes of every man as I walk by him
He recognizes me and startled
Jumps back to make room for the space between us suddenly filled with light and meaning
As if to ready himself for the purpose which has been revealed
Seemingly out of nowhere
Now we're here
Words like fate and free will
Reflections and devotion; still my beating heart to catch a glimpse of
What is this?
Fire rises as you hear yourself sing in another
Sing the knowing electric
The co-creating
Thoughts of one becomes love for others
The moon beams on this night full of
What can I call it but-
I's connect to find that line, that nectar of the soul tempered as it pours back and forth
Between two
Between levity and hope

Lost together

by trulymadlydeeply On Saturday, September 14, 2013 0 comments
What is this life but one fleeting ache into another
Cut with sweetness like the bitter morning coffee
Fragrant and enticing
A haunting search for ground
An ecstatic blow to rebuild again 
Memories like past lovers
Hide and seek you 
When you sometimes least expect it
When at other times, you invite it
If not in waking then under the lode of rest,
A reluctant friend for those on the run,
those self-sufficient lovers hungering for more than certainty 
And they break others 
Not because they mean to
But because they don't know how to live
Unless a question hangs in the space between
Promises and stolen glances
Between time given and your effects
Ever flipping the mattress
Because you can't forget what you never had and yet-
Dug deep, drew blood
Left the well
Told yourself, just for now, just for now
I must detach and find the sky again
The better to see you with 
Cause this beautiful sight takes such a distance to maintain
We both fly off
Alone again
And if you make it out alive
Alive like I knew you to be,
And on the other side
Break out the boots to call a ride
I'll find you, lost
I'll pick you up, my number's still carved inside

Sculpting in Time

by trulymadlydeeply On Thursday, September 05, 2013 0 comments
'Words, words, words'--in real life these are mostly so much water, and only a rarely and for a brief while can you observe perfect accord between word and gesture, word and deed, word and meaning. For usually a person's words, inner state and physical action develop on different planes. They may complement, or sometimes, up to a point, echo one another; more often they are in contradiction; occasionally, in sharp conflict, they unmask one another. And only by knowing exactly what is going on and why, simultaneously, on each of these planes, can we achieve that unique, truthful force of fact of which I have spoken.

- Andrey Tarkovsky

oceania road

by trulymadlydeeply On Wednesday, September 04, 2013 0 comments
the pedal won't relent and yet
the sky changes every second, every other time
i cast a glance way up
stream past the underpass
another person walking,
maybe stopped and staring,
suburban depression overhead
another day
another shadow cast
what destiny must they contain
too late -- they're in the rear view
one more shadow cast
enough dark lines across this evening
make it just right
cuz without them
colorful masses can't explain themselves to our eyes
like the dark knight man-made starlight shimmering against the sky light
new york city in my sights
yellow backdrop like the brick road flipped up
inception --
what happens when you surrender
the third I never forgets to fill you n me in,
took the brush with him
and painted my mind in
the commercials --
god they're so depressin
mass appeal
global citizens under
mass hypnosis
bjork, wail for me
flute, play that tune and make me snake for thee
jinx my night, make it monsoon for me
there's more to come
you know i'm a sucker for
random places, b
another city, another hour
just a gypsy pulling along the wind
just a gypsy floating to another meeting
another crossing of unfolding trappings
catching my attending art to transform,
transmute with me
pull me away from the materiality
geode wig breaking underground,
my footing slipping
so shiny, sparkling stars
zenned out on
a humanistic level
appearances be damned
nervous for the planet?
don't bother
be nervous for your spiritual progress,
be nervous for your loving action
form an opinion on something other than
...your hair, your shoes, your status, the schmooze

don't worry it's easy
just love and be honest


For Lucas

by trulymadlydeeply On Sunday, September 01, 2013 0 comments
Of the terrible doubt of appearances

Taking requests for poetry vids here

deus ex machina

by trulymadlydeeply On Friday, August 16, 2013 0 comments
words intending love swirl around my head
and as I recognize with the faculty of feeling
the world still struggles to sweep a clearing
for that pure desire
untainted by what brought it on
in the first place
your skin
your hands
your smiles
your eyes
"do not fight the tides
let it pull you in"
the wise citations claim, urge
Fleetwood Mac hums in my car
"You can go your own way"
I don't like it
don't tell me to do what I want
I've had enough
don't you know?
what I want
what we've always secretly wanted
is the right person
in the right tone
to gently pull us
tightly squeeze us, keep us
free us
as they make their words
our own

An Encounter

by trulymadlydeeply On Tuesday, August 13, 2013 0 comments
Reading Robert Frost

Accessory from the Pays Dogon

a poem a day keeps the spirit engaged

Are you living it right?

by trulymadlydeeply On Friday, August 02, 2013 0 comments
Hey y'all! Allie Mae is back!
And she's sharing 3 simple steps you can take NOW to get closer to your inner voice, outer purpose, and a fulfilled life, inside and out!

Allie Mae is the alter ego of writer, improv-lover, and yoga teacher Alexandra Moga. Allie Mae is a sweet, fun-loving, open-hearted good-girl with an accent that betrays her roots. She's here to share her humble wisdom and random musings on topics yet unknown and known; on love, happiness, yoga, and successful life. Part performance art, part acting, part real-deal consciousness, join Allie Mae's wacky and lovable character every now and then for a dose of her mad little head and heart of gold.

The Water Remembers

by trulymadlydeeply On Wednesday, July 31, 2013 0 comments
Be like water, my friend

Ed Begley Jr. sits down with Sadhguru to discuss and absorb the science of water memory and the simple yet profound effects molecular shifts in water transfer to us, and how our mental energies transfer to shift water's molecular structure....

We are water, flow on, flow on
Kindly down the stream

(((((knowledge bomb)))))

On the way home last night

by trulymadlydeeply On Thursday, July 25, 2013 0 comments

Sometimes I write, sometimes my mind moves too fast and I'm in a spot with no hands to type or scribble and I must, must, must record, so this is what I did and this is what it is... rough draft style

Save Your Generation

by trulymadlydeeply On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 0 comments
Good lyrics, musical interpretation not my style (maybe would have been circa 2000), but merits an intake:

I have a present: it is the present.
You have to learn to find it within you.
If you can learn to love it,
You just might like it.
You can't live without it.
There's a million open windows.
I'm passing these open windows.
There is plenty to criticize.
It gets so easy to narrow these eyes.
But these eyes will stay wide.
I will stay young.
Young and dumb inside.
I have just begun to forget my lines.
If you could save yourself,
you could save us all.
Go on living, prove us wrong.
Your leap of faith could be a well-timed smile.
Survival never goes out of style.
I have a message: save your generation.
We're killing each other by sleeping in
Finnegan, begin again.
This one can be won.
One can become two.
Two can pick and choose.
You could be the first.
You have to learn to learn from your mistakes.
You can afford to lose a little face.
The things you break,
Some can't be replaced.
A simple rule: every day be sure you wake. 

by Jawbreaker

Tabula Smaragdina

by trulymadlydeeply On Monday, July 22, 2013 0 comments
True, true. Without doubt. Certain:

The below is as the above, and the above as the below, to perfect the wonders of the One.

And as all things came from the One, from the meditation of the One, so all things are born from this One by adaptation.

Its father is the Sun, its mother the Moon; the Wind carries it in its belly; its nurse is the Earth.

It is the father of all the wonders of the whole world. Its power is perfect when it is transformed into Earth.

Separate the Earth from the Fire and the subtle from the gross, cautiously and judiciously.

It ascends from Earth to Heaven and then returns back to the Earth, so that it receives the power of the upper and the lower.

Thus you will possess the brightness of the whole world, and darkness will flee you.

This is the force of all forces, for it overcomes all that is subtle and penetrates solid things.

Thus was the world created.

From this wonderful adaptations are effected, and the means are given here.

And Hermes Trismegistus is my name, because I possess the three parts of the wisdom of the whole world.

Catching Up on the Path

by trulymadlydeeply On Tuesday, July 16, 2013 0 comments
Allie Mae is back y'all!

Catching up on the path a little raft of love from her heart to yours in these tough, sometimes tragic times...

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Je suis une fille qui sais que
d'aimer trop sauve la vie. Je suis, je serai toujours, entraine d'etre sauvé pendant cette vie. Pourtant, la balance se cherche en tous que je touche. Mais pour l'amour, y aura jamais moins que tous. C'est ça, blank blank fullness


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Whatever pleases you (1) 90's rock (1) a dream i can speak to (1) a focus on new definitions (1) a little chicken. but the vacuum cleaner is OK" (1) a more sane version of DID (1) a photographic journal (1) a poem a day (1) a practice of observing yourself without judgment (1) a subtle shift in consciousness makes all the difference (1) a wingding revolution of language (1) a word to the wise (1) about farewell (1) acceptance (2) acm aka me (1) acting (2) activate (1) adult (1) adventure and tangibility (1) Affirmative affirmation (1) again (1) age of Aquarius (1) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (1) aiiight (1) Alan Watts (1) alela diane (1) Alexandra Moga (1) alexandra moga interviews (1) all and nothing (1) all i can see (1) All is I Now (1) all is the fare in love and war... http://paulocoelhoblog.com/the-wounded-by-love-agreement/ (1) all this time (1) all to inspire connected life (1) all voice no noise (1) allah and ole (1) allie mae (2) Allie Mae y'all (1) allow (1) alone (1) alter ego (1) alter egos (1) always there (1) am writing (2) amazing (1) American culture (1) an artist's life (1) An encounter (1) an homage (1) ancient knowledge (1) ancient land of Mu (1) and don't forget to breathe deep (1) and have you as mine (1) and in precisely that order (1) And it's The Darkest Side... (1) and the boys go on and on (1) and the older we get the deeper into the past we dig. (1) anything. a reminder to and from that the word is sacred (1) Arcade Fire (1) are you kidding me right now Alex (1) arithmetic and geometric ratios upon which the world is built (1) ART (6) art as art as wndrful stmulus (1) artificial life (1) artist (1) artists young and old (1) ASTROPHEL AND STELLA (1) at:iamdiddy (1) atheism (1) Atmosphere - C'mon (1) australia and australians (1) awaken (1) awareness (1) awesome (1) Awesome Journey (1) baby names (1) Backstreet Boys (1) badass bunch (kinda soft but CLOUT) (1) balance (2) balanced acidity (1) Bali (1) Be A Linchpin (1) be good to you and yours you owe it to yourself (1) BE LIVING (1) be positive (1) beastie boys (1) beautiful blooming process of life (1) Beauty (1) beauty on the 6th (1) begin again (1) Begin Now. (1) believing (1) belt it (1) best poet ever (1) beyond (1) beyond the border of this world (1) bhagavad gita 10.20 - 10.42 (1) bhakti (3) bhakti yoga (2) Bhaktivinoda Thakura (1) Birthday gift ideas (1) bittersweet (1) black cat books (1) blank blank fullness (2) blast from the past (1) bless-Ed are those who stop to appreciate the days (1) Blood (1) blue (1) Bob Dylan (1) bob marley (1) body (1) bottom - bound energy to top (1) bounty (1) brazil (1) breath (1) brene brown (1) brick layin (1) Brida (1) bridging gaps (1) budapest (1) building as we go (1) By Alexandra Moga (3) by Robert Wilkinson (1) by way of but not necessarily about life (1) bye (1) california dreaming on such a winter's day (1) can't explain the unexplainable (1) Candace Thompson (1) care (1) caring (1) Carson Daly (1) Cassius + (1) catch and release (1) causes of depression (1) center of the world (1) ceremonies for ceremony's sake (1) chakras (1) change the frame the picture is transformed (1) change your eyes and what you look at will change too (1) changes (1) cheap shit backed by devalued dollars (1) chemistry (1) child (1) choose feast (1) choose your thoughts with care for they will manifest over time (1) circle of life (1) closed circuit love affair (1) closely guarded focus (1) clothes (1) CLOUD COUNTRY (1) cmj (1) cmoi (1) color me badd (1) comment section (1) compassion (1) complex and vital (1) complexity paradigm edgar morin (1) concept + class (1) concrete (1) conductors (1) connect the dots (1) conscience (1) consciousness (5) conspicuous consumption (1) construction and contemplation. realiziation 3d (1) contemporary christmas music (1) continuous wave (1) controlled burn (1) cooking show (1) cool boys doing yoga (1) cool chair (1) copper water pot (1) Cosmic existence (1) country livin (1) courage (1) cracked mirror (1) craftsmanship (1) creative collaboration (1) creative process (1) creeper (1) Cricket's too good (1) crossing over (2) cue 'Daughters' (1) currently reading (1) d/j (1) dada daa dum dee-- do dudoo duhhhm (1) dance (1) dapl (1) days be gone? (1) dead (1) death (2) debauchery (1) deciding on personal unity with the all (1) decode (1) decorative ribbons (1) deep shi (1) delivered (1) depth of simplicity (1) design (1) desire tree (1) desires (1) devotion (1) Dickens' Metageitnion (1) didgeridoo (1) dig and hoe (1) Digitize my city love (1) disappointment and placement (1) Disembodied genius (1) divine list (1) divine love (1) does knowing not make it so (1) doing your best (1) don't edit but edit (1) don't hesitate (1) don't turn good hearts away (1) done fkd up (1) double booked (1) doubt and faith (1) dove ad (1) dragonfly (1) dream machine (1) Dreamstates (1) duality (1) duration (1) dvine (1) earnest (1) earnest youth (1) Ed Banger foeva (1) ed begley (1) education (1) Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes (1) ego (1) ego down (1) ego- non-ego self quoting (1) electric day (1) electric feel (1) elevate the game (1) Emmett Malloy (1) emo looking (1) emotion (1) empowerment (1) epic poetry (1) Episode 5. (1) epistemological rupture (1) etheral (1) europeans (1) Even if it ain't sunny hey I ain't complainin (1) everything (1) everything belongs to god (1) everything happens for a reason because energies mold themselves to initiations -- those 'reasons' (1) except for the Parliaments part (1) exhale (1) exit strategy (1) external (1) extremes (1) F*ck yeah (1) faith (4) false advertising (1) family (1) family fun (1) fancy free (1) fantasy (1) fashion (1) feedback loops (1) feeling good (1) feels (1) Femme (1) fight the good fight (1) filling the gap between thought and creation (1) filmmaking (1) fine and rare (1) fire sweat n cool cream (1) fleetwood mac (1) float on float on (1) floating (1) floating world (pictures of) (1) floetry (1) fly (1) folk (1) folly (1) for people (1) found (1) fragment (1) frames of sight (1) freedom (1) freedom through balance (1) French Lessons (1) fresh (1) from "An Autobiography or The story of my experiments with truth" by M. K. Ghandi (1) from computers (1) frosh (1) fruit (1) Fucking Advice (1) Full Moon Friday (1) fun with fonts (1) g-shock (1) G.I. Joe (1) garden of earthly delights (1) Gaston Bachelard (1) gaura vani (1) Gem Club - Twins (1) genius (1) genuine (1) get on this (1) gifts (1) girl power (1) give it away (1) give what you take n taste sweet (1) giving (1) giving tree (1) glimpse of god (2) global shift of consciousness just around the bend (1) go deeper (1) GOD (9) god consciousness (1) gold is ashamed (1) golden thread (1) good day to write a song (1) good design is like a good 'gasm (1) good for your health (1) good music (4) good vibes (1) goodness (2) govinda damodara madhaveti (1) grace (2) grafitti (1) groundhog day (1) grow your food (1) growth (1) guacamole (1) guitars in the classroom (1) GURU (1) hafiz (2) hahaha (1) haim the band (1) half ain't it (1) happiness from and through the mouth (1) happy belated birthday to Van Morrison (1) happy new year (1) happy new you (1) happy saint valentines (1) harmony (1) harvest (2) haunting (1) He is real and alive (1) hear something new... (1) heart (1) heart center moved through and out (1) heartbreak (1) hello again (1) hes my hero (1) hey krishna (1) High road (1) higher knowledge (1) higher love (1) highlarious (1) hip hop (2) hippy side (1) hmm (1) holograms (1) holy being (1) holy party (1) holy shit this hit me over the head (1) home (1) home again (1) home in the science lab (1) hop (1) Horoscopes (1) horrible grammar (1) hot chip - boy from school (1) how does it feel? (1) how many things rhyme with ay (1) howto sketch a wider arch of repetition. bend the time bring it back again. like taffy (1) http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif (1) http://www.thetopofmymind.com/2008/12/practical-common-sense.html (1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gLkOfzIYcU (1) human bonds (1) hungry for something higher (2) hyperbole (1) i am a wild party (1) I amThat (1) I free my mind sometimes I hear myself moanin (1) I keep it realer than most I know you're feelin it (1) i love yogis (1) I loves I (1) I may or may not be slightly childish (1) I Want It That Way (1) i want to write more (1) i write this from the depths of my gut (1) i'm a quote lover* from the roots of my head of hairs to the lines on the soles of my feets. (1) i'm so fucked. (1) icelandic volcanic rock jazzed up (1) if 6 was 9 (1) if not now (1) illuminati (1) image melting smoothly into chaos (1) imaginations abound (1) impermanence (1) impermanence and truth (1) impossible is nothing (2) impossible magic (1) improv (2) in and out (1) In friend's bathroom you f**king loser (1) in my heart city of lights (1) incept (1) incomprehensible (1) Incredible India (1) incubus (1) india (2) infinity (1) infinity and beyond (1) inhale (1) inner child (1) inner outer beauty (1) inside and outside (1) inspiration (2) INSPIRATION. http://www.aquariuspapers.com/astrology/2010/02/goethe-on-the-power-of-commitment-to-influence-destiny.html (1) inspired living (4) inspiring commentary (1) integrity (1) intelligence (1) interchangeability (1) interesting (1) internal (1) international (1) interview (1) intuition (1) invest in people not the stock market (1) invisible economics (1) iphone (1) irreplaceability (1) is the groundhog male or female? (1) is the key to everything. on becoming an Alchemist. (1) it's gonna be legen-waitforit-darrrryyyy (1) it's you (1) jahnavi harrison (1) James Blake (1) james vincent mc morrow (1) Japan (1) jayz (1) je t'aime tous (1) jerry saltz (1) john Joseph Powell (1) John Lennon (1) John Peery (1) join us next week when we will we meet the other foot (1) Joseph Campbell (1) Joseph Conrad (1) joy (1) just another Tuesday (1) just do it (2) just right (1) kali yuga (1) kanye west (1) Kate Winslet (1) keep climbing (1) keep flexing the writing muscle (1) Keeps you Back (1) Khalil Gibran (2) Kim Schultz (1) kirtan (1) knowledge (1) krishna (3) krishna consciousness (1) la belle verte (1) La priest (1) ladies listen up (1) landslide (1) LAO TZU KEEPS IT WAY REAL (1) Last night bit of writing (1) lay you down (1) layers (1) le temps et l'amour (1) lead by example (1) leather or feathers (1) let it out (1) let's get really real (1) letter (1) Letters (1) liberation (1) life (6) Life 101 (1) Life lived loved (1) life on the run (1) life purpose (1) light (2) like a river to the sea (1) Like a rolling stone (1) like an animal (1) like fireflies (1) Lila life (1) lisa citore (1) listen to your heart (1) live music (1) long arm of inspiration (2) long read (1) longing (1) longoverduerelease (1) Los Angeles (1) lost (1) LOVE (32) love ain't easy (1) love and all is coming (1) love as love for oneself enhanced by the other thru invisible attractive forces (1) love as ultimate bonding factor (1) love consciousness (1) Love in motion (1) love is sticking it through (1) love is... (1) love life (1) love lockdown (1) love movement music (1) love my ice cream (1) love y'all (2) Love you yahoomail (1) lovin (1) lumina (1) lust (1) Lying in the dark talking through tears (1) lyshco (1) macklemore (1) macro (1) magic (3) magician (1) magnetism (1) mah bootlegged book club (2) Mahabharata (1) maintain (1) making my heart beat faster (1) manifesto (1) Many Topics. Feelings. A-brewing. I'm a little teapot...No brakes. no release. no crash. no contract for life. only flux. only flux. only flux. In is grips (1) marina abramovic (2) marion cotillard (1) maru the japanese wundercat (1) mary oliver (1) matrix (1) Matt Corby (1) may be pms (1) may do it myself i'm so brooklyn (2) mayapur (1) maybe (1) maybe missed meanings (1) MBBC (5) mc yogi (1) meaningful consumption (1) means and the end (1) meditation (1) meditations (1) meditations on art and music (1) meditations on the road (1) meet your neighbors (1) meeting of the meta (1) memo pause in rhymes and cause n effect of self to self combat in peace please praise (1) memories (1) meow (1) MET gala (1) meta-squared (2) metaphor (1) metaphor and meaning (1) micheal kiwanuka (1) Middle path (1) mind control (1) mind game (1) mind puzzle (1) mind-fuck of a book (1) mini MBBC (1) mirabai (1) misc (1) missing you (1) mission statement (1) MNDR - I go away (1) moderation (1) mogayoga (3) moment (1) moon (2) moon juice (1) morality (1) more stuff (1) morning (1) mornings (1) morrison hotel gallery (1) motivation (1) movements (1) moving by the wave of feeling (1) Mr. Brainwash (1) Mumford and Sons (1) music (3) music underlying (1) Musical (21) must watch (1) my thoughts on life (1) mystical weekend (1) myth and dream (1) nails it. sexy font (1) nan je ne regrette rien (1) nature (1) neon city (1) never not moving (1) never not searching (1) never not there (1) new limit of expansion (1) new old frontiers of being (1) new personas (1) new slaves (1) new vrindaban (1) new work (1) nfmm II (1) nina simone (1) Nina Simone Sountracked and Remixed for a flâneur (1) no extra charge (1) no halfsies (1) no man is an island (1) Nobody Told Me (1) nondualism (1) nostalgia (1) nourishment to the nth power (1) Now is All (1) Now that's writing (1) now what (1) occupy (1) ocurring always (1) ode to the you force (1) offering (1) Oh the joy of nothing (1) oino (1) Old Crow Medicine Show (1) Olde Time (1) oldie but goodie values (1) omraam mikhael aivanhov (1) On a Monday no less (1) On Becoming an Alchemist (1) on belief and love (1) on god and love (1) once it starts rolling out there's no holding down holdin it down (1) one (1) one character with a capital C (1) one way ticket home (1) oneliner story telling that i he ar (1) only four more lessons (1) only love is real (2) oooweee (1) Open systems (1) Or is it love? (1) or maybe don't-keep it on the hush yo (1) orchid of Calypso (1) original (2) original poetry (88) ou est tu mon amour? (1) ouroboros (1) over-flow (1) overemphasized glory (1) own barfield (1) pace gallery (1) paddling up stream with an o.a.r. - i feel home (1) par acmoi (1) paradisio (1) Party on a train (1) patience (2) pattern dissolving gradually into randomness (1) Paulo Coelho (1) people (1) pepsi (1) perfect sin (1) perfect tones and shades (1) perfection of imperfection (1) performance art (2) performance arts (1) pharell williams (1) Philosophy (1) photography (5) Picasso (1) picasso baby (1) plants (1) poem (1) poetry (18) poetry season (1) poetry vid (2) poincare (1) politics (1) POMPLAMOOSE [exclamation point] (1) prabhupada (1) preach sister (1) preach. poetry (1) presence and process (2) progress (1) progress through the timeless (1) progressive jazz (1) projects (1) prose (2) protective psychological constructs (1) psychic detox (1) Psychology (2) pulp fiction (1) pulse (1) pulse of life invisible; passing through three moves two (1) pure music (1) purpose of life (1) Pythagoras (1) q n a with yudhishthira and the yaksha (1) quantitative value (1) quantum leaps (1) quantum physics (2) question monster (1) questions (1) quotes (1) Rachel Crow (1) Radiohead (1) Rainer Marie Rilke (1) Ralph Waldo Emerson (1) random (1) random researching (1) re:hash (1) read (1) read up on Freud keeps it real (1) reading (1) real love (1) real messages (1) reality (1) realness (1) recycle (1) red (1) red empire (1) red hot chili peppers (1) reduce (1) reflect (2) reflections (1) refresh (1) relationships (3) relics (1) remember (2) remember your heart's desire (1) renaissance hu-man (1) repetition (1) reset (1) resistance (1) reuse (1) review (1) revolutionary quote (1) revolve (1) ride the wave (1) right understanding (1) Ripperton - The Sandbox (1) rise (1) rite of passage (1) ritual and reason (1) rive gauche (1) roadtrippinspiratiojournal (1) Robert Frost (2) robert leslie (1) rock on (1) Roisin Murphy (1) ryan lewis (1) sabotage (1) sacred hour (1) sad (1) sadhguru (1) sage smoke cleared the atmosphere (1) Said she had dreams a sniper hit me with a fatal shot (1) salinger (1) sancerre on a thursday night: great purity and elegance (1) saul williams (1) scaring life into people (1) scattered matter (1) school house rocks (1) science (1) sculpting in time (1) sea change (1) Season 5 (1) secrets (1) see (1) see the unseen (1) seeds nuggets (1) seeking (1) Selah Sue - Raggamuffin (1) self control (2) self-realization (1) self-reference (1) self-respect (1) sense of distance (1) september (1) serve love and trust all will be provided (1) service (3) Seven of (1) sexy chocolate (1) Shakespeare (1) shakespearean (1) shallow depths (1) shane salerno (1) sharpen your intellect (1) show yourself (1) sincerity (1) singer (1) Sir Philip Sidney (1) sixto rodriguez (1) smack it like a bitch cook it like a lovah (1) smoke and mirrors (1) so laced (1) so long (1) solo trippin (1) some writing i just did (1) something fundamentally wrong here (1) somewhere I can feel free (1) song of the year? (1) songwriter (1) soul (2) soul advice (1) soul food (1) soul need (1) soul speak (1) soul stuff (1) souls a'fire (1) sound meditation (1) speak your truth (1) Special kid (1) spiders (1) spirit (1) spiritual aid (1) spiritual initiation (1) spiritual materialism (1) spiritual warrior (1) spirituality (1) spoken word (4) spring is coming (1) squares been around me lately (1) squares of paper (1) standing rock (1) staying true (1) steve winwood (1) stillness (1) stimulus (1) story of my life (1) stranger than fiction (1) stream of consciousness (1) strength (1) strong (1) strong sound (1) stunning (1) subversive? *does not register (1) successful human life (1) Superconductivity (1) supersoul collective (1) supramodern (1) sus10ance (1) Susheela Raman (2) sustain (1) sweet hedonism (1) sweet souls (1) symbolism (1) systems of systems of...(Ad infinitum) (1) take care (1) take yourself down a peg to get a leg up (1) talk show (1) taoism (1) tapas (1) Tarkovsky (1) tattoos (1) tears (1) telegraphic (1) tension (1) tetractys (1) texture (1) thank you (1) thank you to Robert Wilkinson (1) That was fun. And you are clever. The clicking could potentially be endless...RANDOM (1) The Art Age (1) The Big Easy Express (1) the catcher in the rye (1) the constant symbol (1) the crazy life of ACM (1) the drew blood (1) the end is near (1) the essential breath (1) the gift (1) the guggenheim grotto: her beautiful ideas. (1) The Last Call (1) the letter P (1) The Middle BEast (1) the new old river (1) the power of water (1) The Primary Process (1) the red tent (1) the road less traveled (1) the self in a sea of selves (1) The Sirens of titan (1) the source (1) the still place (1) the supreme personality of godhead (1) the symbol of the musical (1) the temple of my mind (my heart) (1) the top of my eye (1) the top of my light (1) the top of the top (1) the wheels on the bus go round and round (1) the worlds of world (1) theory (1) thetopofmymind (3) thetopofyourmind (1) things aren't always what they seem - mostly how she allows them to seem. Gustav Klimt-Danaë (1) thinking outside of the box with goats (1) thought v reflection (1) thoughts (2) Three green and speckled frogs sitting upon a log eating some most delicious bugs (1) threebyfive (1) thrift shop (1) tick tock (1) time (1) time and space (1) time as. The Enigma of Cleobulina (1) time changing purity (1) titiksha (1) to give what you need is to recieve graciously (1) to live in truth is to unfold the lie (1) to tears (1) tobias batz (1) tolerance (1) tongue treats (1) top of my mind (1) Trains (1) transcend (1) transcendental love (1) Transcendentalism (1) transdisciplinarity (1) Translated by Andrew Harvey from A Year of Rumi (1) translation and commentary by Ralph Alan Dale (1) transmigration (1) trap doors (1) travel (4) troubador (1) true (1) true love (1) true semiotics (1) True Story (1) trust (1) truth (8) truth bites (1) truth rising (1) truth saves (1) truth: I got high and nobody died (1) tunnel (1) turkey (1) turn it around (1) twofer (1) typewriter troubles (1) ultimate pre-game warm up song (1) uncovered (1) understanding (1) unreal (1) unreal how good this is (1) unshakable (1) up the ante on your experience then talk (1) upward spirals (1) Varieté (1) vedanta (1) vegetarian food (1) Verfremdungseffekt. currently reading: God's Equation (1) video premiere (1) vincit qui se vincit (1) violence (1) virtues (1) vision (1) vita ante acta (1) Vivere est vincere. twitching bicep (1) vivienne tam (1) vox nihili (1) voyeur (1) vulnerability (1) vulnerable (1) wait for it... (1) waiting for music (1) waiting in vain (1) wake up (3) Walt Whitman (2) watch out for her (1) water (1) waves of words (1) weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (1) what is love? value systems (1) What Would Frago Say (1) when? (1) where will i be (1) white socks (1) who rules the world girls (1) who the F shouts out Vlasic pickles???? (1) whoa. (1) windex with: attention assuming integrated originality Love in motion spontenaity. (1) winter (1) wisdom (1) wise word warriors (1) without it life is wasted time (1) wizard of oz (1) woman (1) words (1) Words and reality (1) words of wisdom (1) world (1) wrenches among blind routines (1) write or die (1) writing (2) writing exercises (1) X Factor (1) Xianxingzhe (1) yaaaay (1) yah got to keep on walking--on the road to zion (1) yaksha-prasna (1) yes fewer is more appropriate in some cases but what did i say about perfection? (1) yoga (17) yoga at the loft (1) yoga poetry (1) yoga retreat (1) yoga teachers (1) you 'sleep. ima drop it on you. from thetopofmymind (1) you are powerful (1) you are taken care of (1) you as vessel (1) YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT DON'T YOU (1) you rule (1) you should know (1) yummy (1) zany (1)
